Author Topic: Remembrance  (Read 978 times)


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« on: March 03, 2017, 06:34:00 PM »
Ileana Petri

The Borcan woman wore clothing fit for royalty if it were not for their tattered state, having been torn down by time and more material things. The mismatched jewellery of different metals and sizes she wore on her person seemed to serve as a distraction away from the state of her being - despite being tall and of a well-toned physique, her calloused hands, the scars and bruises, her glares of suspicion and superstition, and the habitual skittering to and fro, would point to a lifetime, or so it'd seem, spent in squalor, on the streets.

The rather unremarkable visage that held all those telltale signs also holds home to a pair of blue eyes, and atop its crown, pale hay hair in messy disarray, even if there would be some signs of attempted care.

On her hip she wore the scabbard of a saber, one that clattered along with the clinking of her bangles, and was entirely untouched.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 07:20:30 PM by Dirgelike »


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A Treatise on the Art of the Kill: Preface
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2017, 12:33:18 AM »
A battered little book, falling apart at the seams. On its very first pages, the owner seemed to have been practicing sketches of figures holding onto thin swords, in a large selection of various combat stances, with small arrows to indicate directions of turning and movement, as well as footnotes of little relevance. The text, clumsy and unpracticed, written in charcoal and in the Balok tongue, reads as follows...


It is every master's, or every would-be master's desire to pen down their own manual or guide regarding their own craft. Cobblers, tailors, blacksmiths - if they have the motivation, the means, and the success to back their written word, then they should, and most often will do so, and they will be remembered in some fashion or the other for it.

It is with an open heart that I admit to only having the first of those three, whilst barely dipping into the second, and not at all into the third. I have been living hand to mouth for a decade, and this, I write with hopes that one day I would have the means to put it into the proper form, and that my skills will elevate to a place where it is acceptable of me to even bother doing so.

I digress.

My name is Ileana Petri of Lechberg, and I write this Treatise on the Art of the Kill after a time spent researching, watching, and experiencing on my own flesh the methods of two master swordsmen, all of which wielded the senses of the eagle, the cunning of the fox, and the strength of the wolf - as they did the quickness of all three. Throughout this work, I will elucidate upon the techniques with my own experiences, my own progress, and how I have found them all best put to use, as well as techniques of my own.

It is at this path's end that this prose will be finished, and it is my hope that it will bring many others to the conclusion of theirs.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:21:20 PM by Dirgelike »