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Author Topic: Dementlieu - Flyers circulating after the Council Meeting  (Read 956 times)


  • Undead Master
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Dementlieu - Flyers circulating after the Council Meeting
« on: February 12, 2017, 06:00:12 AM »
(Written in High Mordentish.)

Black Wolf In the City of Light

A Wolf visited the city,
A Black Wolf visited the city,
The beautiful city of lights.
To see all the silk wearing hens
The hens clucking away,
The hens clucking away.

The toad who guarded the fence,
The fat toad who guarded the fence,
Heard the wolf recite all of his claims:

“I’m the king of the Dwarves!” Said the Wolf
I’m the king of the Dwarves and the trolls!
“I’m the fairest merchant in all the lands,
The lions buy their mane from me,
The bears, their teeth!”

“I’m a friend to the Elves!” Said the Wolf
“I’m a friend to the Elves and the Gnomes!”
“I’m the fairest merchant in all the lands,
The fish buy their scales from me,
The bees, their wings!”

The toad who guarded the entrance,
The fat toad who guarded the entrance,
Stared at the drooling Black Wolf.
“Who gave you all of these titles? They mean nothing here!
Jack squat, the lot, you pompous mutt,
So get out of my sight!

- La Petite Mouette.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 06:25:05 AM by wildflame »