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Author Topic: The Story of Azreal Rohan  (Read 5250 times)

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2017, 10:52:00 PM »
I was tired after that exiting day, so I decided to sleep some more. The next day, I waked up, and Gyda was sitting beside my bed sewing something.  I noticed that there are banners of my house in the room, A Rohan shield with the colors of the Head of the Family, black and white. In the back of the shield, there were two small spears.  It felt strange, but also remind me the Rohan Knights carrying their black shields and white spears. It occurred to me that someone from my family must be in Geatland since there’re the only ones who will knew something like this. Gyda looked at me with such love and compassion that melted my heart, and I just could not resist smiling.  She smiled back at me, and asked me how I was feeling. I answer that I felt good for my condition, but I felt so much pain. I looked at the windows of the room, and I noticed it was snowing. By this time, we should be in autumn; therefore, something was wrong in Geatland. I asked Gyda about this, and she responded me that the “Long Winter” has arrived once more. This is a rare event that occurs one in a lifetime when the winter comes before than it supposed to, and the werewolves come out of their deep sleep to hunt and eat people around town. Her father has been conducting a lot of missions to figure it out where they are coming from, and at the same time, protecting all of the citizens of Geatland. I felt so useless that in their moment of need I could not help them, especially Krieg was not around. My body wanted to move and fight, so I tried to get out of the bed by myself. I felt flat into the ground, my body was barely responding, and I could get up. Gyda was worry and screamed and asking at the same time what was wrong with me, and I was not in any condition to help other like that . I wanted to help the city so bad. Gyda picked me up with her magic and put me back into the bed. She was angry, but I guess she was worried for my safety. I need to recover as quickly as possible to help the town. I started asked questions of what happened during my sleep. Gyda started to explain me about the shire that I was in charge was rebuilt into a temple. Since I was in a deep sleep, Jarvin took over the place and made it flow with money by receiving donations from other cities and churches. Gyda told me that my sister, Donna Rohan, was in the city serving and helping the Earl Hrothgar and Lady Idn with the games and procedures of the House of the Lords in Gardes, the capital of Dagonia. I asked her how long she has been here. Gyda answered me she has been here in Geatland for nine months. I knew my sister was up to something, but I am not ready to confront her. Then, Gyda told the Word of God has been spreading like wildfire because of me. My fame has brought more sympathy for the Word of God. I asked what happened with the shards of Beljuro were encrusted in my body. Gyda argued the shards were removed from my body and they were used to pay for the Temple and the expansion of the city. I am curious the city looks like now. Life has changed a lot while I was sleep.
   I asked Gyda if she could help me get up to the table so we can eat together. I need to tell her how Rohans deal as a family. We are not like the other families, and she must know. With a patience of a saint, Gyda took me towards the table so we could eat together for the first time as family. When she helped me sitting at the table, it felt nice. Being in a bed for so long gets uncomfortable and it was time for me got moving my body.  We started eating a delicious chicken soup with veggies, and it was amazing. She can cook pretty well. I told Gyda we needed to talk something absolutely serious, and it is how Rohans make their families. She opened her pretty brown eyes with incredible attention towards me, and I start telling her that Rohans are hated by the rest of the nobility in Dagonia because the First Unicorn, Arthur Rohan, put all of the nobility in shame by killing the enemies of the King during the Westlian Wars by himself. The King Grant us a lot of land and perks for saving the kingdom, but the Higgs always were resented for the preference of the King. Over the years, Arthur understood that we needed strong family ties to succeed, so the Rohans put absolute trust in their wives. Wives of the Rohans are always together with their husband on purpose for two main reasons: the 1st one is both protect each other and the 2nd one is two minds can solve something faster than only one, in other words, Rohans rely a lot on their wives when it comes to counseling. The opinion of a Rohan wife is the most important for a Rohan.  I continued by saying the following: “Gyda, you are my cape, and I am your shield.” Now, since that it was out of the way, I started to explain Gyda about something that it was eating my mind, and it was lying to my would-be father in law about what happened to him. I asked Gyda to check for people who might be hearing us. Gyda got up of the chair and gave a quick but fake look looking for people who might hear us. I explained her in details about what happened inside of the cave: the trip under the city, the chasm of that dark abyss, about Lord Krieg’s daughter and his fate with her. Gyda was sad after hearing that story, but at the same time, happy that Lord Krieg was not dead. I told her about feeling guilty for lying to her father, but I feared that he might go into a wild goose chase trying to rescue him in the undergrounds of the city. Gyda was silence for quite a while, thinking about my decision, and she answered me that it was a good choice. The Earl will abandon his position in the city because he will try to go and rescue Lord Krieg by himself. She was happy for me to tell her something so serious, and I told Gyda that this is the things I was talking about before. Her counseling is the best one I could receive. Then my tone changed towards her by asking where my sister was. She told me the most probably in the Main Hall helping Lady Idn. I replied to Gyda that there is something wrong here, my sister will not abandon her life at the capital to serve in Geatland, and I know she is staying here for a different reason. Gyda looked at me surprised, but I knew from her body language that she was involved and also hiding something from me. Then, I asked Gyda in a serious tone why she is still here and how she was involved in it. She looked at me a little scared, and I know sister sometimes makes people be coercive. It has all of my father’s teachings here…

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2017, 04:27:13 AM »
I told Gyda in a serious tone what my sister was still doing here, and my fiancée face incriminated her. I wanted to know what my sister was up to something, and Gyda was colluding with her. I told Gyda to trust me and telling me what she was doing here, and I told Gyda that she is colluding with my sister. Gyda got up of her chair, she checked the room, especially the shadows, checked the door to make sure no one was there, and she sat back in the chair. With her beautiful brown eyes looked to the sides, put her head down like she did something bad, and she answered me. Gyda told me that my sister was learning from her about the basis of blood magic. I asked Gyda why my sister was learning from her Blood Magic, and she answer me Donna was sent from the Black Hand, a school of magic who study and manipulate the shadows to cast magic, to learned Blood Magic to expand their knowledge of magic and how can be expanded to their use. I asked Gyda how she can be doing something like that since Blood Magic is the heritage of her people, and she answered me by claiming Princess Idn, her mother, ordered her to teach my sister. I was angry at my sister, and I told Gyda not to teach her anymore. I assure Gyda that I will talk to my sister since she is abusing my fiancée’s trust towards her people and the city; however, before I confront her, I must be in top condition. Gyda felt assured for my resolution in my voice, and then I asked her for some more soup. I need to get my body strong. I looked at Gyda with fire in my eyes, and I asked her to helping me to get my body in shape. She smiled with her angelical face, and she said to me that we will work together.
   The first two months of recovery were horrible and tough, I could barely walk. During the day, I was trying to make 3 steps without falling to the floor; although, during the night, I could hear the snowing wind, and the screams of the Varyags, the sound of horns and feet moving everywhere. I felt so many times to the floor, and Gyda helped me to pick myself up with her magic, and I forced myself to continue for my recovery. During this time, my sister came to see me, and I was very happy to see a familiar face. I salute my sister using the proper and traditional Dagonian manner: Lady Donna of the House of Rohan, the Second of the linage of the Patriarch Reinhardt Rohan. She laughed hard can called me a snob.  My sister asked me how I was feeling, and I told her I could be better, and I miss my left arm and eye. Sometimes I have a sensation that I can still use normally my left arm. Donna looked at me with sorrow.  She asked me what happened to me, and how my body got all mauled. I decided to tell her my whole adventure, and of course excluding certain details about Lord Krieg and Esther. My sister was surprised from my adventure, and I thank her for the sword. Tizona allowed me to kill all the enemies of this beautiful land, and gave me the opportunity to serve the Royal Princess Idn.  My sister looked at me with a smile, and pulled out a box in front of me from the shadows with her shadow magic. It always makes me nervous the use of shadow magic. My sister told me the content of the box is a gift from mom and dad, and she opened. I saw a white prosthetic arm with the coat of arms of my family. My sister installed in my arm and it feels great. I can make a fist with this arm. I can hold a cup. This thing is amazing, and I thank my sister with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I asked if mom and dad came to see me during my slumber. She replied to me that mom stayed for over a month taking care of me and mother was the one who fix the room, mom became acquaintance with Princess Idn and the Earl; although, dad only came once to see me once. He came to Geatland, have a small talk with the Earl asking where I was and walked to my room, open the door, looked at me  from the frame of the door and left. I was surprised by my father came so far to see me, but also sad because he just looked at me and left.  My sister saw my face full of sadness and disappointment, so she messes with my hair and leaves the room with a smile.

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2017, 06:05:02 AM »
After those excruciating first two months, I could walk without falling into the floor; however, I still needed the assistance of Gyda to move myself around for longer distances. I wanted to go to the Main Hall. I wanted to make sure the people of Geatland knew that I was recovering properly.  Gyda also wanted me to show face in the Hall as a matter of respect from their people towards a hero. She helped me dressed and fixed my clothing. I kiss her in the cheek for being so sweet to me. She gave me a shoulder for me to walk to the Main Hall, and we went there. While we walked towards the Main Hall, I could feel the cold in my face, the sound of the snow while walking, and the warmth of Gyda body. While we were walking, I looked at her, and smiled. She looked at me back with her beautiful hazel eyes, and I saw her happy and with pride to walk with me around.  For the time we walked around, I saw the changes to the city. I saw walls surrounding the city, there are more houses, and more people. Gyda told me after the defense of Geatland from the demons, the rescue of her by Krieg and me, the rescue of her father and the repel of the Stygian incursion, my family and Princess Idn put attention on the map for Dagonia to invest money in the city. Gyda mentions to me that Jarvin helped in the process to bring money into town, and the church has spread the influence in town. After a small pause, Gyda told me that everyone is waiting for my return.

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2017, 06:06:18 AM »
        I arrived at the Main Hall, and I noticed a huge difference: the Varyags were wearing of proper and uniform armor. I saw their faces, and I could see they were glad to see me. A completely different feeling from the first time I came: people were looking at me with happiness and respect. I felt great to have some respect here. I enter the Hall and I was announced like it should be in Dagonia, and I have to say: it felt nice to feel some civilization has reached these parts. I was offered to seat at the main table were the Earl and his wife was. I sat with Gyda at my side, and the Earl came to the table. He was happy to see, so the Earl gave me a hug. The hug took the air away from me, but I was happy to see people around me. Princess Idn came to the table after the hug, and bow slightly to me, so I tried to do the same, but she asked me not to do it since my body was still in recovery. After I sat again, I started to notices the place looks like a reception place like the Dagonian lords have to receive foreign dignitaries and nobility, but at the same time, respecting the Geat style. I like that. I can see the banners of the families who are around like my house and the Falmyr’s coat of arms, and I saw the Foxgrove also being in the Hall. While we ate, I told the story how I rescue Gyda. Remember the good times with Lord Krieg and how we fought valiantly against all odds.  I was not paying attention at the beginning, but I started to notice the whole room had their eyes on me and everyone was silent. Everyone in the room gasp at the moment when I described the decapitation of Ivar the Boneless, and it felt so good telling the story.
When I finished the story, everyone congratulated me and pushed me and tap me in a friendly manner. I saw my sister in one of the furthest table of the Main Hall. I noticed she was kind of impress of my heroic adventures. I smiled at her and I wanted to finish my meal.
   After I finished my meal, I stayed on the table enjoying the wine with Gyda, and a person came to sit to my table. It was one of the Foxgrove nobles. His name was Edwin Foxgrove, and like a true noble, he presented himself to me in a proper Dagonian manner. It is good to know that nobles even in the outskirts of Dagonia act properly. Gyda wanted to leave the table, but I told her no. Lord Edwin wanted to tell me he wanted to talk about Lord Krieg. I put a very serious face, and I demand him he better not to talk bad about Lord Krieg since he was a hero, and he saved me. He apologized to me and said he doesn’t want to filth Lord Krieg’s name; in fact, he wants to do the contrary. The Foxgrove family and Abigail Ardis, Lord Krieg’s lover, wanted to rebuild the ancient house of the Grey’s, Greytower Castle. I was surprised, He asked me to bless the place when I was in conditions to go. I have to say I have bad experiences being on Grey Tower, like my first visit to the tower when I almost died by a punch from an ogre. I was absolutely reluctant to go there, but I wanted to honor Lord Krieg for saving me. I accepted his proposition. I grabbed a knife, and I told him that I don’t expect anything less than excellence from their part since Lord Krieg was a hero for Geat and Geatland. While I was saying that I blessed the knife, told him I will bless Greytower Castle, and I trew the blessed knife into one of the wooden pillars of the Great Hall. I wanted to show everyone I was getting better and stronger.  I looked at Lord Edwin’s face, and he was very impress of my ability to bless weapons, and he added that legendary men are capable of suck task. I told answered him that I am no legend or special: I am just a man who believes in the Word of God.  After that exchange, Lord Edwin looked pleased and left the Mail Hall. I personally stayed a little longer, drinking a little bit more of wine, talking with Princess Idn and Gyda. I was having a great, great time. I felt happiness. I felt my I was with my family; however, this time it was with the family of my betrothed, and I felt I belong here, with them, and it filled my heart with love. Time passed by, and from one moment to the next we could heard the horns announcing of the Long Shadow was happening. It was late and I needed to go back to my room, so four Varyags soldiers escorted me out to my room. We walked fifteen minutes to get back since I could not move fast enough.  They dropped me at the front of my door, I open the door and I asked one of them what the creatures are. He answered me they are werewolves, and they are attacking the outskirts of the city. He continued saying also other creatures like zombies and other unholy creatures roam at night now. I asked him for his sword, and he comply with my order. I blessed his weapon by reciting the words of the angel again: "The Time for Retribution Has Come for the Wicked. By the Radiance of my Sword, You Will Atone for your Sins." The Varyag sword became blessed by that calm cyan color that always shows. I gave him his sword back, and I asked him if this will be good enough to kill them. The Varyag answered me with a smile, and shakes his head in a positive response. I decided to bless the rest of the weapons. From that day forward, the Varyags came at night to the door of the place I was staying, and blessed their swords, axes, spears, javelins and war-hammers, so they could kill the monsters. This caused the Varyags to have an incredible decreased of casualties. They were happy now since the Varyags were fighting with a great disadvantage. Well, not anymore. The funny part they started to called me the “Saint of Sword” after a week of blessing their weapons. Who could imagine that heathens gave me the title of “Saint?”

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2017, 05:43:26 AM »
Another two months have passed, and I was being able to do exercise; however, I could barely run or move fast, but I could hold a sword. During my training at the training grounds, Gyda was always looking after me. Seeing her always put my heart and mind at ease. I could feel my body getting stronger, but I knew I was in no condition to fight yet. The Varyags have been visiting at the training me and being happy by blessing their weapons. I been hearing from them their deaths have been reduced substantially, and it has not been that dangerous for them to fight them face to face. They call me now Lord, Saint or Cardinal, and it feels weird. Not because of the titles they gave me, but it feels that I got a lot of respect from the Geats.  I been recognized as one of them, and that makes me feel great.
We are getting closed to Harvest time, and the Geats always do a big party. Since we lost Aragorn the Conqueror and Lord Krieg, and it will be the birthday of Gyda soon. I want to dance with her. After I finished training, the Earl came to see me and asked me if we could go somewhere. I was confused since this is the first time we talked personally: one man to another man. I say yes of course, but I wanted to wash myself before talking to him. Thirty minutes passed, I fixed myself and I went to meet the Earl. When I went to see him, he had horses prepared for us to ride. It was a good moment to try if I could ride a horse, but I should not exert myself fully. We start to ride for fifteen minutes, and we traveled towards the old shrine. When we arrived, I was impressed. A new giant temple was built, and it will be inaugurated in the harvest festival, but this time it will be call the “Festival of Heroes” to honor all of the fallen men who fought last year, especially for the death of Lord Krieg and Argorn the Conqueror. The Earl told me that Gyda has taken the likes of me very well, and she seems happy to be around me at all times. Then, he added that Gyda got more sympathy and love towards me when I was sleeping than I was awake. I guess the Earl is thinking I want to abuse her daughter for my own benefit, but he doesn’t know how the Rohans lead their families.  I answer him that she is the woman I love, and I want to make her happy. The Earl smiled at me, and I should do that for my own benefit and health. I looked at him in a serious manner that my intentions cannot be misunderstood, I told him in a strong tone that I love Gyda with all my heart, and I am her shield.  The Earl smiled, and he wanted to continue to walk with me. He took me towards the inside of the Temple, so I started to noticed it was build using stone for the walls. At the sides of those big doors of the Temple, I can see in each side a statue of Lord Krieg and Argorn the Conqueror.  The Earl used his big physique to open the heavy doors made of wood, and I could see the inside of the Temple. It was amazing and beautiful. The floor made of polish wood, beautiful seats for the congregation with a Dagonian style of masonry, a huge place for the musicians to play music when we sing the Word of God and a big podium to for the man who directs the sermon.  I saw the stained glass telling major events accounted in the Great Book. The Earl explained to me the place is actually bigger and can hold over eighty people inside of the building for maintain it. I was impressed.  Earl saw my face and told that even he doesn’t believe in my God, his power has helped his soldiers to repel the attacks of the evil creatures of the night. I looked at the floor and told him that I am ashamed of my physical condition and not be able to help more. The Earl touched my shoulder and argued that for now, it doesn’t matter and the only thing I must worry is to recover my health. Also I could enjoy the company of Gyda, and that reminded me I have to look for a place to live. We will get married soon, so we need to start to pick a place to live. I asked the Earl for permission to own land to live in the city, and he said yes. I will look for a piece of land tomorrow with Gyda.

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2017, 06:04:30 AM »
          After talking and seeing the temple, I was excited to get better and take the reins of the church, but I needed to find a new piece of land for us to live with comfort. The Earl escorted me to my room, and prepared myself for the Varyags to come. During the night, they came and came for my blessings, and I prayed and prayed for their safe return when they go to the hunt. I have to admit this has draining most of my energy, but Gyda always comes to tuck me to bed after I blessed the weapons of the Varyags. She really cares for me and my wellbeing. 
          My sister passed by to give me a gift, a new suit for the Festival of Heroes, and I was grateful to her. A nice green and white suit for me to wear, and a new cape with father’s colors: a white coat of arms and the rest is black. I have to say, it fits perfectly after I tried to put it on. I thank my sister, but she told me that she did it for Gyda. Donna wanted me to see presentable for Gyda when we dance together. I laughed but I knew she was right, I didn’t though about that. I need to look more adequate for the jobs and responsibilities. Gyda passed around at midday so we can eat together. We went to the Main Hall to eat, and while we walked towards the Main Hall, I told Gyda that we should look for somewhere to live, but her answer took me by surprise: Gyda wants to get out of Geatland. For the look that she gave after saying those words, I should not press the situation yet, but I want to know why. I have to say, I would love to live with Gyda in Rohansburg, and living like proper Dagonians will be great. Although I am a Cardinal of the Church now, and I cannot falter, but making Gyda happy is also a priority in my life. The way he expressed the fact that she wants to leave, worries me out a little, but like I said, I will ask about that later on.  We went to the Main Hall, and while were eating, Gyda was distant and I can see she was worry for some reason. I was dying to asking her, but I noticed that she was looking over her shoulder. I will ask her after we get out of the Main Hall. We stayed for over an hour and got some delicious meal and wine, so we went for the adventure to get a place.
          Our first destination, we went towards the center of town. I have to say, there are too many people living here already, and the amount of land and the size of the houses are rather small for my taste. Gyda agrees with me, so we went towards the East side. We arrived to our second destination, and this is where all the farmlands are available. I told Gyda that this is too far from the Temple, and there is nothing here, especially getting water or other things needed might become a problem, Gyda again agreed with me. I looked at her beautiful Hazel eyes, and I can see she is worry about something. I will ask. The third place we went to see was at the North of town, and it is where the Temple is located. We looked it a little bit around, but I noticed something. There is a small plateau close to the Temple, so I told Gyda about it. We climbed to the top, and the view is incredible. The plateau is big enough to build a nice manor with a big patio, and we can get water around these parts with ease. The Temple is around 7 minutes from here, and we could build a nice stairs from us to get to the bottom and the Temple.  It looks perfect. I asked Gyda what she thought about it, but she still seemed away, but at the same time, she was waiting for me to make a decision. I told Gyda I liked this place for us to build our home. She looked at me like if I was not serious, but my answer was giving with a decisive look. Gyda walked around a little to see how level the land was, and it was nicely level by nature.  Gyda seemed satisfied for my choice, but she is still has her mind away. I decided to ask her what is going on. Gyda was concerned about some things she has been seeing since my sister has been around, and how her mother, Princess Idn, has been educating Yoril for the past year or so. Her mother is teaching things that contradict our religion beliefs of the Word of God have made Yoril acting different since then. Gyda then explains that she has seen things that are being corrupted around her, and she wanted to run away from this place and never come back; forgetting all of the bad and terrible things that this place might bring in the future. I took Gyda’s hand; I hugged her and caress her face with my hand. Her face is so soft and delicate. I told her in an assertive tone that we will confront all this, and we will challenge all this things she has been seeing. Also I told Gyda I will talk to his brother when I had the chance. We will try to fix everything if we can, but we will do it together. Gyda leaned her body against mine, and thanking me for understanding her worries. I want Gyda to understand that we relied on each other at all times since it is the Rohan way. She is everything to me, and I will do anything for her.

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2017, 04:02:53 PM »
Days have passed after we choose our place of living, and the Earl gave us permission to build our manor close to the Temple.  I went to see my sister if she could tell my father give me money to build our house and ask my mother for a beautiful wedding ring for Gyda. I know Mother has a great taste, and she will pick something nothing less that amazing for my betrothed. After that, I decide to train a little bit more to recover my strength. I needed to be strong, so I could fight with the Varyags and remove the scourge that is hurting my adoptive home. Later at night, I prayed again for God to give me the resistance to bless with Radiance all the weapons from the Varyags. It still takes so much of my stamina, but I can that I’m recovery to full strength soon.
Two weeks has passed, and it is the day of the Festival of Heroes arrived. I could smell the nice food and heard the happiness of the music and the people. Gyda came to help me to get dressed, and I used the suit that my sister got me. After I got dressed, I looked fantastic and handsome. Gyda did not say anything, but her eyes told me that she liked what she saw. Gyda wanted to put my cape in my back, but I refused. I grabbed my cape, and put it on Gyda’s back. After I finished fixing the came on her, I told her that she is my cape, and I wanted to protect her with all I have. I kissed her, and I offered my arm.  She put her arm inside mine, pushed her body towards mine, and we went towards the festival. The Festival was hold at the Temple since it was going to be inaugurated to honor the Fallen Heroes of Geatland. While we tried to get there, I could see Gyda smiling and happy, but not just her, the people of Geatland respects and loves their nobility as much as the people love my family in Rohansburg.  People were trying to give us offers, and thanking me and Gyda for all of our efforts by protecting the soldiers and the commoners in the city. I smiled at them and thank them for the support while Gyda was collecting the offering they gave us. The offerings were fruits, but I was glad by the thanks. Since I am a humble man, It old Gyda that I hope not all days will be like this. She smiled back at me, looked into my eyes and told me that she hopes that all days should be like this while gave a bite to an apple.
We arrived to the Festival, and the smell of the food was fantastic, and it was even better for what I could smell from personally. Everyone was dressed nicely, and I could hear the instruments being played while the Choir of the Church was singing classics folk songs. People were happy, and they were eating and dancing until their hearts content. I did the same too. I danced with Gyda, and I could see that a lot of the women were jealous of Gyda. I guess I am popular with the girls here, but I my heart is already taken by the most beautiful angel in the world, Gyda Falmyr. We danced for an hour and she was happy to be able to I felt shame that my body cannot dance anymore, so after a couple of hours, I had to sit down. Gyda went to talk with her friends, and I could see a healthy amount of jealousy from her friends while taking with her. I have to say that Gyda loves the attention. A half an hour passes, and I recognized little Yoril. I haven’t seen him since the last time when I got stabbed in the East Stronghold. He looks like he has gained weight, and I say hi to him. This will be a great opportunity to see firsthand what Gyda was talking about. Yoril comes closed, and he says hi to me. I asked how he has been feeling lately, and Yoril’s answer was shocking. He feels sad and left behind by his father because the Earl makes feel inferior and he feels they see the world in a different way, and he feels discounted from his father. I looked at him with sorrow, and I could see a little of myself in Yoril. I told him the story of my childhood, and how bad was my relationship with my father, especially when it comes to ideology and why I left my city. Yoril was surprised, so I gave him and advice: if he wants to feel more close to his father, you should train more with the sword, and I even offer myself training with him. Yoril smiled at me, and I can see that he felt understood. After I finished that sentence, a commoner girl asked Yoril to dance. Yoril looked at her in a despective manner and told her that she was a peasant, and she should get out of his sight. Now I understood what Gyda was talking about. This is a problem of upbringing. I asked Yoril why did he did that, and Yoril’s answer was chilling to the touch. He said that she is a commoner and they just exist to serve the nobles. I looked at him with disappointment, and I told him that he was wrong. Yoril looked at me with sadness, so I started talking with Yoril about my family. I told my Father is one of the greatest Noble men in the whole country, and he married a commoner. Yoril said that why my father married my mother since there is nothing to gain from it. I told him that he might be right, but obtaining things cannot give you love, and my parents love each other very much. I went a little deeper by saying if her sister, Gyda, was a commoner, I will still marry her without thinking. Yoril asked me why I should do something like that, and I told him that I love her sister in the same way my father loves my mother. Then I argued with Yoril because we are Nobles, our lives are more valuable than the commoners; however, they are more valuable since we have more responsibilities, especially towards the commoners. We, nobles, are their protectors and represent the King when he is not here, and for those two main reasons our lives are more important. He was looking at me with such interest, and I understood that Yoril got my point. I told Yoril if he wanted to amend his sins, he should apologize to the girl and dance with her. Then, Yoril went looking for the commoner to apologize, and later on I saw him dancing with the Commoner girl. I smiled at him and give him nod in approval.  I was sitting down alone seeing the happiness of the party, and the Earl declared the opening of the Temple for public use when the night began to shine. When Gyda came back to see me, I told him that I talked with Yoril, and I offered him understanding. Also I told her that I will train with Yoril, so he can lose the extra weight he has gained.  Gyda looked happy and satisfied, and she kiss me in the cheek

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #32 on: June 27, 2017, 04:52:43 AM »
     Every day that passed had made me stronger. I could feel my body achieving its peak again. The Varyag soldiers built training for its soldiers, and I started to use it after the Festival. I can feel how this is accelerating my body strength.  IT feels great, and Gyda is supervising my training since this is the greatest risk during the training according to her. I followed all of her instructions since I trust her. While I was in the training grounds, I was also training with Yoril, and at the same time, I tried to boost his confidence by trying to make him follow my training regimen, and give him advice on how use a sword. I started to notice that he is a more cerebral type of kid. I can see in his movement that he really doesn’t like to use a sword, but he needs to understand that he needs to know how to properly fight. The Earl Hrothgar wanted to see his son knowing the sword, and he is doing it now. Yoril always tried his best when the Earl was around to impress him. I hope his relationship between them gets better over time.   I could hear the sound of the Varying’s horns every single night, and I wanted to help them. I wanted to fight again the evil forces, and not being relegated to giving buffs to the Varying’s weapons. I wanted to fight again. This moment Gyda was pretty much sleeping practically outside of my room, and she begged me not to fight. Once I was fully dressed to fight, but Gyda supplicated me for me not to go. I almost I made her cry and I don’t want to make her cry. I asked her if she doesn’t want me to fight anymore, but Gyda’s answer was that she wanted me to fight again, but I should fight at full strength.  When I heard that, I understood her message clearly, and she wants the best for me. God, I love her; she is incredible.
     It has been six months since I waked up from the coma state of my wounds. For the first time during this time, I felt recovered one hundred percent. I was naked in my room after waking up, and I could feel my body at its peak again. I heard someone knocking the door, and I command to enter since I know is Gyda. For some reason I wanted her to see me naked, I guess I wanted to see the fruits of her dedication and sacrifice. Gyda enters to my room, and she looks at me. She closes her eyes and looked at the side. I told her that she should not feel shame since we are going to be married, and I was grateful for the dedication. She told me that I should get dressed, and I should not do this again since it is not appropriated yet. I guess seeing me like this sounds like I want something else, and of course I want something from her: I want her love in the whole spectrum of the word, but I know we are good religious couple and we will wait after we are married. However, I wanted her to see me fully recovered and ready for action.  I walked towards Gyda, got close to her, I grabbed her hands and put them in my chest, and I give her my thanks by kissing her in the cheek and give her my thanks. After that I got dressed. While I was getting dressed, Gyda seemed happy for my full recovery, and as a side note: it is still hard to dress by myself by using the prosthetic hand. After I got dressed, a messenger came to my room in a hurry, and the Earl is waiting for me in the Main Hall. I looked at Gyda, and I told her to accompany me to the Main Hall; however, she did not wanted to go like for something like this if I am summoned because she felt that she was not her place. I told her that wherever I go, she goes with me. It is a tradition that all Rohan women should followed their betrotheds and husbands, and I emphasized to Gyda that she is my partner and my confidant. After fifteen minutes walking, we arrived at the Main Hall. The Earl was preparing two horses with some guards, and Hrothgar was happy and excited. Gyda and I didn’t understand why he was happy. The Earl told us that HE came back, and HE is waiting at the city limits. I looked at Gyda, and she looked back at me for what I think was the same face that I had. We hurried up to the city limits to see if what the Earl is saying is correct, HE is back with us…

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2017, 02:55:17 AM »
      I wanted to know if Earl was saying is true, so I ride with Gyda at my back as fast as we could. I know she wanted to see him back again with us. We ride for at least thirty minutes as fast as we could, and we saw three people in the distance. I could recognize the Lady Wehan from far away, but I could not recognize the person who was with her. I also noticed there was a child with them, so what is going on here? I got close to them, and I could recognize the child: it was Esther and the only thing that covers her body is my worn out cape. I look at the man closed to her, and I recognize his face: it is Lord Krieg, but he looks so different now. His muscle mass has increased by a lot, so he looks like a mountain of muscles.  Before I could ask anything to Lord Krieg, Esther comes close to me and salutes me, so I decided to lift her and say hi to her. When I lifted her, everyone looked at me with disdain with the exception of Gyda, and I asked her if she was being a good girl lately. With her childish and pale face told me that it was hard to be good and she is super hungry. Then she looked over to Gyda, and tried to touch her face. When she did, Esther complemented Gyda for her beautiful skin and she added that Gyda looks shinny by having a radiant soul. Then, I directed my word to Lord Krieg and I asked him how he got out of that place. The Earl looked at me like he was mad since I lied to him, and he told me how I dare to lied to him. At that moment, Gyda tried to defend me by telling her father to calm down, and she added that I lied to him because he will go and try to rescue him. The Earl was even madder now. He told Gyda how dare her for not telling him something like this. Gyda took her father to the side, and she tried to explain to him what is going on. Lord Krieg looked wounded, so I decided to heal his wounds with my blessings. Lord Krieg told us that he needs our help. He wants to know if something can be done about her daughter. Lady Wehan was saying that the best thing we can do is killed the demon-child, not let them in; however, I felt that I could do something about it. I don’t know what I could do, but I thought I could save Esther and help my fiend. I offered him my services to him and her daughter, and I hoped to help them both. I saw Lord Krieg’s face with some kind of relieve, but at the same time, I know what Lady Wehan is saying is also valid. Esther is a danger to us all if we let her go inside.  The Earl was erupting in fury when I said I wanted to help Lord Krieg and Esther. The Earl came screaming at me, and pushing my body saying that how dare I to claim trying to help the demon-child who kill a lot of his men and destroyed half of the city. I was about to answering back, but Gyda grabbed her father from the arm and she vouched for me that I could solve this without having the chance of killing Esther. The Earl Hrothgar was angry, but Gyda words calms him down. I offered to Lord Krieg a place to stay in the Temple, and at the same time, Lady Wehan wanted to check on both at the Temple also.
     We went to the Temple, and I noticed that people almost do not recognize him because of his physical changes. Also he doesn’t want to show that he is back into Geatland, so I guess he was worried about his half demon kid. I must figure it out a way to help him. I know he cared for Esther, and I did to. After almost two hours riding back to the Temple, I wanted to talk with the Earl. I apologized to him for my lies, but I did it because I knew he will go to try to rescue him. I saw in his eyes how angry he was, but he knew I was right in my assessment. I asked him for a full week to figure this thing out, but the Earl told me like our God who came back to life in three days, I have the same amount of time. I went back to the Temple, and it feels nice to start doing my job; however, I don’t have time to reminisce when I was living in my home town in the Main Temple of Arvad and being teach the Word of the Lord there. I need to start working and discover how I can save Esther. Gyda was waiting for me and told me to follow her under the Temple. We went down where there were the living quarters. I haven’t seen this part of the Temple. I love the Dagonian architecture inside of this place; it makes me cozy. Gyda point towards a room, and she told me that was the Special Room. Gyda looked at me to the side, like she knew that I will be angry. I opened the double door of the room, and I saw a Mage Room while Wehan and the rest were there. I looked at the room with a heavy contempt, and I screamed at Lady Wehan why this room is on the Temple. She allwas tried to misdirect my attention of what it is going on, but I was beyond angry; although, Lady Wehan was right on something now, we need to care about Esther first and we will deal with the Magic Room. I told her that we will this in the close future, and she agrees. Then she looks at Gyda and asked her to help her with the basis of the ritual they need to perform to see if Esther actually has a soul. I almost exploded in rage when she mentioned the words “perform ritual” inside of the temple that I am in charge. How and when this happens and who allowed this to happen? I will get my answers soon, but Esther is priority. I asked Gyda after she helped to assist her former teacher what is this about, and she responded me that this is a magic test to see if she has a human souls since Lord Krieg is the father of the child. I accepted that sin for the meantime. Krieg gave his heavy axe, Liptyr, to hold. I guess he didn’t want to harm someone when the ritual starts. Krieg put Esther in a small podium full of runes, and I saw some sadness in Lord Krieg to put Esther in a situation like that, but it is the only option and he knew it from the start. Lady Wehan started to use their incantations, and I was getting angry for the use of Magic inside of the Temple, but this is for my friend and her daughter.  The room started to be illuminated by the runes encrusted in the platform that Esther, Magic power started to manifest with vigorous intensity and the light started to blind everyone who looks at the room. Esther stared to scream from the top of her lungs, if she has them, and she started to transform into the Cho-Gath again she grew and grew until it hit the ceiling with some strength that I think it almost made it collapsed. The Cho-Gath the light blinded me, but I saw something. I don’t know if it is a trick or something, but I could saw a little of Esther face, like she was crying or suffering. Somehow I knew my eyes were not playing tricks to me, and I believed that I could help Esther. When Lady Wehan finished, she left Esther inside of some kind of magic shield. Lady Wehan told us that she pretty much is a monster, but Gyda told her that she saw something human in Esther. Now I know that I wasn’t seen visions thanks to Gyda. I looked at Lord Krieg, and I can see his face full of questions, worrying, and fearing the future of Esther. I want Esther to have a normal life also, and she has been blessed with my coat of arms. I told Lady Wehan that I will find a way, but I needed time to do some research how to solve this situation.

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2017, 12:48:59 AM »
I left the “Magic Room” that is in my church kind of angry, but it is more important to know what I need to do.  I needed to go into my room and check the Holy Books we have to see if there is a recording history of someone who had dealt with this. Gyda came out of the room after me, and she asked me if I can really help. I told her that I don’t know what to do, and I need to go into my room and do some research about it; however, I knew from the start that I don’t have enough to waste, so I asked Gyda where is the library and my room. My fiancée indicated me my room should be here in this floor, and the library is in the Second floor of the Temple. Gyda had the kindness of showing me where they were located. The 1st thing she did was showing my room, and I have to admit, it looks very nice but at the same time it looks simple. After that, Gyda showed where the library was, and I was impressed by the amount of book we have available. I have to admit, Jarvin has done a pretty good job running the Temple, and make me feel very satisfied seeing this. I give Gyda a kiss, I asked her to leave me study. She smiles at me with happiness and pride from me, so I told her that I will be studying, and will be eating with her at lunch. I grabbed some books that might have the answer that I am looking for, and I start reading; however, I could not study too much since everyone was too excited with my return and the members of the Church, so they started to salute me, especially the girls from the Sister Profetica. From all of the young women, there was one who was kind of different.  Like she had a different air, in fact, she wants me to notice her. A woman with beautiful face and skin, her hair red as blood and she seem in top physical shape, and her clothing show she was not a commoner.  She came close to me, and bow properly towards me. Now I am curious who she is; however, I lost a lot of time greeting the members of the Church so I went to the Main Hall to eat with Gyda.
   After 30 minutes, I arrived to the Main Hall, and Gyda had a table prepared for us to eat. We sat down, and we started eating our food. The steak sirloin with potatoes and wine are delicious, and we start talking about our days. She has been sending the invitations for the wedding and prepare, and she is getting her wedding dress. I asked her if she will wear something more Dagonian or a traditional Geat marriage dress. Gyda looked at me and said that is going to be a surprise.  She always made me smile. I asked about who is the red head girl of the Sister Profetica. Gyda responded with affection about her since is one of her friends. Her name is Maryann Foxgrove, a noble Dagonian family who was granted Lordship for helping extend the Dagonia’s territory. They have being friends for at least seven or eight years since both of them are nobles and their families work together all the time.  I was very happy to know more nobility her and also seeing that Gyda has friends that cared for her. Our lunch was going amazingly until the Earl arrived to the table. The Earl Falmyr sat down with anger and property, and he stared at me. I was in awe with his body language showing me his displeased and anger towards me, so he started to talk. The Earl asked me what I was doing here, and why I was not solving the problem with Esther. I told him I was hungry and we decided to eat lunch together about the wedding and some other things. When I told him that, he got angry with me, and I understand that I am doing personal things; however, my marriage with Gyda is also important. The Earl told me to fix this thing or he will fix it with his sword. Gyda intervene in the conversation and told him again that he should trust since I have not failed his family. The Earl Hrothgar looked at me with dead eyes, and he said that I better solved this very, very soon since his patience is running very, very low. I told the Earl that he can trust in me and I will solve this situation. I stand it up of my chair, I looked at Gyda, smiled at her, and I went back to the Temple. After I arrived again to the Temple, and went to study the Holy Books for more information if another member has removed an evil presence as great as the one has invaded Esther. I sat down in the library and I read for hours, but I felt asleep while reading after several hours.
   I had a weird dream. I was camping in the woods, and I was in front of a bonfire. I was sitting down close to it, admiring the fire and its warmth protecting me.  Then I heard a familiar voice from the dark, and it was the angel of death and retribution, Angel Azrael. He sat down in front of the bonfire, and he told me that the Lord Almighty is pleased with my decisions, but I still have a long way to go. I knew the Angel was right with his words, and then I asked him about how I can exorcise Esther’s demon from her. The Angel told me that I would never be able to do that, even he explained by adding a demon is a demon no matter what, and they need to be exterminated. I got angry at the Angel Azrael, and I screamed at him arguing how the Lord will allow something that horrible to happen if he cannot give a solution since He is all powerful. Then I said to him I knew there was a way to help Esther, but I need guidance. I guess my eyes showed resolution because the Angel told me there was to do it, but it will take a lot from me. I asked him what I had to do then, and he answered me in a cryptic way: my answers lie in the bonfire, and the fire should be blessed you if my heart is pure and being blessed by basking in the fire of the Lord. In case my heart is not pure, I will suffer tremendous amount of pain for trying to be close to the Lord without being prepare. I knew my mistakes as a human being, and I killed people and lie before. I know I done horrible things, but it has been done to protect people from horrible things. I believed my heart is pure, my actions were justified for the protection of other, and I need to save a little girl. I looked at Angel Azrael, and I put my right hand into the fire. The fire changed from red and orange to a Royal Blue while engulfed my body, and I felt the warmth and power of the divine burning my souls. I felt my soul was being tested by this Holy Flame, but after a while, I felt calm and relaxed, like the Lord directly blessed me. The Angel looked at me with pleased, and then he told me before I decide to help the Demon-Child, I should pray, for He will reveal to me what I had to do, and it was time for me to go back. I didn’t understand, but I heard my name coming from the darkness. The Angel Azrael said it was time for me to back. I waked up in the library of the Temple, and Gyda is almost screaming my name and trying to move my body.

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Re: The Story of Azreal Rohan
« Reply #35 on: July 25, 2017, 05:40:50 AM »
Gyda told me to wake up, and her tone of voice was in anguish. I waked up discombobulated; I didn’t know what was going on. Gyda was desperate, so she said her father was coming with soldiers to kill Esther. God, I knew the Earl wanted Esther dead for all the horrible things that happen a year ago, but now I have the tools to solve the problem, or that is what I thought in that moment anyways.
I came down from the library to confront the Earl Hrothgar; he needed to be stopped at all causes, but I cannot impose my will here since he is the Lord of these lands. I rushed as fast as I could, and Gyda was following me as fast as she could. I got downstairs, and I could hear the Earl pushing people away.  I could hear him pushing men and women out of his way, so ran towards the noise to stop his advances. I got into a corridor and I saw the Earl with four soldiers under his wing. I screamed to the Earl what was the ruckus all about. His answer was that his patience ran out, and he wanted the demon-child dead. I told him that this is the House of the Lord, and even that he owns the land, he had no rights to act violently at the Temple. The Earl screamed his answer to me by declaring that he came here to avenge his comrades who fell defending his life. I saw the eyes of the Earl, and he wanted to kill Esther. He wanted retribution, so he pushed me with a lot of strength to the side, and I felt into the cold stone floor. Gyda screamed at the Earl for pushing me to the side, so I tried to get up as fast as I could, but then, I saw Lord Krieg stranding there, with his armor and armed with his axe, and posing in the middle of the corridor. I could feel the air becoming tense while I saw the Earl and Lord Krieg looked at each other, showing determination, and this could end very badly for all of us here. The Earl told in a demanding tone that Lord Krieg should move out of the way, but Lord Krieg refuses, and he answered him by saying he will kill the Earl if he tries to get to Esther. The Earl exploded in anger. He unsheathed his two-handed sword smashing the floor with it, and from the top if his lungs, he screams at Lord Krieg that he will avenge his men for suffering horrific deaths at the hand of Esther, and Lord Krieg should move out of his way. I looked at Gyda, and she was shaking. I guess he has never seen his father this mad before; however, Lord Krieg was not impress. He did not show any kind of fear or weakness. Lord Krieg walked towards the Earl Hrothgar, and also he screams at him by saying that Krieg would not let the Earl to touch her daughter until I try something.  They were looking at each other, not moving an inch. Everyone can feel the tension in the air, until Lord Krieg punched the Earl with a strong hook to the face, like a professional fighter punched the Earl with such precision, and the sound like a hammer hit a watermelon. I feared for Lord Krieg’s life since I know for experience how nobles handle this insults always end in the death of someone. Although, the Earl looked at Lord Krieg, like they had an understanding about protecting the ones they loved, but the Earl’s look had anger because he sees Esther as a danger to the city. I understand why the Earl wants her dead, but he understands also Lord Krieg’s feelings towards protecting her daughter. The Earl turned back at Lord Krieg, and told his soldiers they were leaving towards the Main Hall. I had a sensation of relieve since they did not kill each other, but I need to hurry up and prepare myself. But first, I need to calm Gyda. She seems upset for seeing her father going to such lengths to kill Esther. After that, I had hurry up and solve this horrible situation.