Author Topic: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance  (Read 30528 times)

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #150 on: June 16, 2012, 05:30:50 AM »
I dare to hope the storm has passed. D'Honaire no doubt knows of my culpability in the crimes I have committed. Still no word from the bastile on Wurtbeich's death, but if Weathermay knows, and suspects it to be me, then of course the master of Dementlieu knows as well. But they have not come for me, no black-baggers from Baptiste's midnight brigade.
George seems not to care. He is a practical man, knows the value of the concentrated killing. D'Honaire seems to care little more, because Wurtbeich knew nothing of the Brain, whoever that may be. I may be safe for now.

I have hung the portrait of the Bastion in my quarters. I could not bare to see her burn with the rest of Wurtbeich's profane trappings. She is a reminder of my task and duty, and I have asked her counsel on what I must do next. She authorised the killing of a Praesidius, I do not think she will flinch at the rendition of another senior clergy.

Still no word on D.B. Dragunov owes me this, but I shall not push him on it. If anything emerges it will do so in its own time, not mine.

The VRS are recruiting; I think The Weathermay's plight has lit a fire under us, we knew we could not surmount a task of this magnitude without the proper support. I think that the Wayfarers are maturing as an organisation, and we must respond accordingly.

For the first time I can remember my enemies are not mobilising against me. Now is the time to prepare at my leisure, and I shall prepare well.

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #151 on: July 14, 2012, 07:03:46 AM »
Reader, I wish for us to pause here. I address you as reader, for what else can I know you by? In truth, I began this record with never the intention of being read, only for my own benefit. And what benefit is that? Now it cannot be to help me remember, for some of the things you have read herein will never leave me… do never leave me, they haunt me in waking nightmares.

But now, I have come to think that this, one day, will be the only thing that survives me. Survives of me. And it is my hope, reader, that what you find within will have been, and will be learningful. That my mistakes will not be your mistakes, and that through receiving the knowledge I impart, you will not have to suffer for it as I have.

I ask we consider the measure of the author. Can we understand their works without knowing of them? This is called critical reading, and it is an important lesson, for it will help you sort the wheat from the chaff I have written.

Taken by years, I lived most of my life not in service to the Church, only service to myself, though I thought it service to my country and to the common good. This is the Dementlieuse delusion, as an interesting aside – a veneer of patrician benevolence over a selfish core.
Taken by experience, however, I have ‘lived’ in my service to the Church, and my meaning by this is twofold – I have been more fulfilled by my labours, and I have seen more horror – and this is the dicotemy of living – joy, and fear.

I have sought a noble spirit in my undertakings, and at times this is painful. I have done terrible things, and it is perhaps to my credit that I feel ill-at-ease with having done them, but be warned; I do not regret them. I will never regret them.

Once in Vallaki I murdered a man. Though know, he was not a man, but a beast wearing the skin of a man. His wife was dead, by his own hands, and he feared, rightly, for his children. A simple Barovian man, turned by the Beast that Rends, and so that he became. I stabbed him through the heart – he was already dead, that man, only the beast behind his eyes died.

What I did to Valio the Red Wizard no-one could regret. If I close my eyes, and recollect, I can hear the soft pop of his oesophagus under my fingers. But it was ignoble; I satisfied only my own dark desires in this; after what he had done to me, I wished to make him suffer even a tenth of what he had done to me.

Juste Moreaux was another ugly crime. I could have blamed it upon Veritas; but that would be cowardice. He was a simpleton, seduced by Marle’s bright light like all the others. That was his only real crime – but his death was nessecary. I dispatched him by pistol, in the manner befitting Dementlieuese men, and in him died a symbol of the waning strength of the Church.

And so Lilas Wurtbeich is only the last in this line. I took no small satisfaction in his murder – as you have no doubt read.

And so this is my lot. I am a man without conscience. Such men are required by the Church to take upon their breast crimes so terrible and horrible that it would shatter the faith and fortitude of the righteous and the good. I take that to be my authority – outstripping my obligation to my mentor, the Bastion, the Praesidius – for they too are corrupted by knowledge. I serve the common faithful of Ezra, I protect them from what they should never have to entertain.

To be such a bright, damned instrument, must condemn me to a lonesome existence? Only part truth. I have few friends within the Church – there are few I can trust enough to call friends. Toret Severin, certainly, who is proven of character and is aware of his own power – like many Anchorites, but unusually his responsibility, which sets him apart. Grevis Sinovia, in who I have a kindred spirit – born to suffer for no reason other than as punishment for virtue. Not even my mentor I consider amongst friends – he is more a glimpse into the future; I can see what I will become. A broken, frightened old man.

Then there are those that know my secret shame. Nara’ia, Sofiya, Tarinyar, Mihas, and those who serve the same cause as I, though not in name, or goal, but in spirit – the Weathermay clan, Arthur, Alanik, Giles.. Perhaps I am lucky to count on two hands people I could trust with my life – demands as stringest and frequent as these forge hard friends fast, I believe.

I admire these people. George, Laurie-May and Gennifer gave up a life of comfort in order to pursue Van Richten’s model. Nara’ia, who has suffered so much.. for no promise of reward, only as her heart commands. Mihas who has overcome his worse nature and found service in a higher goal. Tarinyar, who puts aside her own wants and comforts when it is needed. Sofiya most of all, who will never have what she wants, but keeps trying nonetheless.

Then there is Absalom Nightlyre. Would I count the duplicitous dimutive amongst my friends? He is, was, like Tredow I think – a noble spirit straining against ignoble nature. I think, at the final test, Absalom was proven to be someone I cared for… although he never lived to see it.

They are stronger than I, reader, so know what is written here has never been my work alone. They are not stronger in that they are more skilled, faster, wiser or of more intelligence – although many are in their measures – but it is because they have been called to the goodly labours without my faith. They have witnessed and struggled though the same horrors as I, without faith. I am no coward, but I am not them.

And so now, reader, do you have a portrait of your author? Does it show you a man consumed by heresies; suspicious of every clue, paranoid of what lurks in every shadowy corner? It should. This is what lies in the shadow of the bright lights of my life. I cannot put stock in my leaders; spiritual or political, for I know too much of their connections, their lies and cover-ups to trust them. I am alone in a brother-and-sisterhood of people similarly trapped between their aspirational hearts and the horrible moral blackness that surrounds and attacks us every waking moment.

There is a passage I once read in the library of the Societee des Erudites in Port-a-Lucine. Its providence I am not aware of, but to whomsever spoke it, I feel a great affinity.

What a piece of work is a man. How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty. In motion how express and admirable. In how like an angel, in apprehension, how like a god! The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals. But what is this quintessence of dust? Nothing but a mixture of foul and pestilent vapours. Man delights not me.

When you read of me, know that when I speak highly of my comrades, and lowly of my enemies. When I express fear, or elation, or suspense or apprehension.. know the texture, and rawness of those feelings.

And so, dear reader, go back to the beginning, and read of this journal again. And as you do so, perhaps you will see what happened to the bright young doctor from Port-a-Lucine, and how he became this wretch. Then read on, and remember the portrait I have painted for you here, and wonder again, how this man became whatever awaits you at the end – what I will become.

What I will become, with only faith, duty and devotion as my guide.

Of this..

..Of this.. above all things.. above Drigor, above Strahd von Zarovich, Dominic D’Honaire and Azalin Rex, The Gentleman Caller.. above Isolde, and Meisser and Rowley and Noirgrim and LeRochenoire. Above Madame Eva, and the ruins of Zeklos. Above Dulocq and the Temptress herself.. I fear this.

And I am afraid.

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #152 on: August 06, 2012, 10:53:20 AM »
The Gentleman calls. But why.
For decades he has roamed essentially undetected. So why surface now, so publically? No doubt he has established cabals across the Core for his security and gratification. So what is the purpose of this charade? Dispatching assassins? The Fiend could snap the neck of Kayne like a twig if he wanted. Offering trinkets and mercies for help and aid? This from a creature that entered the most secure fortress in the Core, and seduced the Kingfuhrer’s concubine, unaided? Unlikely.

No, this is performance. For his entertainment perhaps? Distraction from another scheme? A strangest and most intricate game of hiding in plain sight?
Or perhaps even the Fiends are not immune to the strange unsettlings of Vistani prophecies. Perhaps his cage truly is riled.

I find myself unable to contend with this intellect. If it can even be called an intellect. It has never known a human pattern of thought, it is folly for us to attribute one to it. I do not doubt it operated above instinct. Indeed, I believe it to be the match, in every respect, to each talented individual in that field which I know.

I believe this new Hexad might portent that fateful event. If Azalin’s design was not escape, we can be certain the Gentleman Caller’s is. Whatever his purpose, it is bad, for all of us.

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #153 on: August 08, 2012, 11:34:15 AM »
I find Tredow’s newfound sense of conscience laughable. No, that is too harsh. He is exploring it awkwardly, like a newborn fawn. Mihas summed it up rather nicely; ‘not our first visit to the warroom’ – and indeed not, Mihas had the strength of character not to flee Castle Avernus. Unlike some.

But we should be glad to have a capable and resourceful ally on side. But I will not rely upon him. His newfound strength will fail him, perhaps not at the first hurdle; but before the last. His sense of self-preservation is overdeveloped, and this gives him the desire to do magnitudious things, if it will keep him alive. But he will not die, or risk certain death, for it. And so, allies, until he breaks.

And Magnus.


Magnus is the exemplar for the need for faith. I never imagined him a tyrant. Too cowardly for that – unable to make that last grasp that, however assured victory might be, /could/ fail. And so he is contented to be at the devil’s right hand, and not be the devil himself.
This alone makes him dangerous. Perhaps his protestations were false – well, of course they were. Perhaps he /has/ made a deal with the Gentleman Caller, hoping for scraps from his table.. one more rung towards power and the fulfilment of his ambitions.
He has the insight to see the strings as they are pulled – perhaps even his own strings, but insight cannot be allowed to run rampant. It must be coupled with responsibility – a sensation he never has felt, I imagine. Instead, as his own moral compass he has grown gross and distended – lazy, and afraid. He has the wisdom to know not to fight for fighting’s sake. To know that whatever his action, the outcome is already resolved.

This much I too, know. And faith is the difference. My life is immaterial. If it is expended, in forstalling the Time of Unparalleled Darkness for a year. A week. An hour.. then that is another hour the beloved of Ezra can spend with their loved ones, in supplication, in the pursuit of their own worthwhile deeds.
Magnus cannot see this, he cares only for himself. It is the duty of the powerful to bear upon their shoulders great weights, to spare them from others.

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #154 on: August 10, 2012, 05:52:37 PM »
Fiends in the Land of the Mists are frustrated and furious creatures. Despite their horrible powers and control over the land, the arrogant creatures find themselves forever pursuing an unattainable goal: escape.

Thus, although the fiend always exists on a level somewhat divorced from mundane reality, so too is it unable to move away from our land. The Fiend is trapped, suspended between two poles of existence - unable to fully assimilate, yet also unable to escape.

The vast majority of fiendish behaviour, however, shows these creatures' love for guile and deceit. Carefully manipulating mortals, tricking and trapping them wit their powerful intellects and great charisma. Ever seeking to promote evil they insinuate it into the hearts and minds of the people, and nurture its growth

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #155 on: August 10, 2012, 06:27:47 PM »
Damnable Magnus was right. We have been too rash and hurried.
A return to base principles is needed. Escape is what it wants, not what it /is/.

Of each particular thing ask: what is it in itself? What is its nature?

What is it in itself?
An Incubus - I understand to be a Succubus, in a male phenotype.
What is its nature?
A  seducer.
What is its /nature/?
Seduction. To lead astray. In my understanding it is sin. It is the embodiment of sin - anathema and opposite to chastity, which represents virtue.
What is its nature?
Soliciting a change in behavior. A change that would not otherwise take place without that stimulus.
How is that accomplished?
By coercion. By appealing to something within us otherwise chained away.
By telling us what we want to hear.

Telling us what we want to hear.

Telling us what we want to hear.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2012, 06:29:43 PM by The Inquisitor »

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #156 on: August 12, 2012, 07:04:41 AM »
This entry written in an unsteady hand, be that terror, or rage, is unclear.

I expected her to still be in the employ of Darkon. I expected her to have been planted here by him for the purposes of gathering information on the Gentleman Caller. It is always comforting to have one’s suspicions confirmed. And no doubt word of our interest in his affairs will reach the ear of the Witch King soon enough. But we have lost nothing by this; and confirmed much. ‘S’ is not to be trusted. This much I expected.

But I did not expect.. the other revelation. Perhaps this is why I felt so.. drawn to her, in the first instance. But we are not alike. She is defeated.. totally.. defeated, by what she is. She lets it define her, limit her ambitions, set her sights. Perhaps she is truly fettered and bound by Azalin’s power.. but I do not think so. I think it is a mental prison he and she have built together.
I do not define myself, allow myself to be defined, by my condition. I am not defeated by my heritage.

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #157 on: August 20, 2012, 09:24:35 AM »
We are all men in darkened rooms with pages covered in secrets. We have but one feeble candle by which to illuminate our page - it is enough to see a word or sentence at a time, but on focusing on one we loose the others, it is totally decontextualised. Now imagine what a wonder it would be if we all used our candles together - it would provide enough light to see the page whole - the whole story, the whole tangled web. But we don't, because if we do, they will see what our page of secrets say. And so we remain the ignorant possessors of our lone mysteries, and that makes us the victors - the holders of such power. But it is a hollow, and shameful victory. And in the end, we all loose.

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #158 on: September 07, 2012, 01:31:21 PM »
Storm-wracked skies forever. The colour of curdled blood. It is the sky itself reflects the nature of the land; a nasty, puckered welt from a reality far removed from our own. But perhaps not too far removed; the Mists understand us, and they must understand.. them, to have brought them here.
Even the alien understands punishment.

A man could make a career anatomising those creatures, if one could ever be brought back. A career like Wurtbeich perhaps; studded with insane revelation. It is a curious sensation, to know the inherent /wrongness/ in an artifice. I cannot categorise it, like an itching beneath my skin, in my soul.

And yet the great brain let us live. No doubt it could have boiled us within our skins if it so much as even had the notion. What then, the punishment for killing us? Or the reward for letting us live?

Rats in a maze, yes. Perhaps that is what we are, right now.

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #159 on: September 12, 2012, 09:09:01 PM »

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #160 on: September 13, 2012, 03:11:58 PM »
Hubris. Disastrous arrogance.

I cannot deny, I knew from the beginning, from the moment we set foot in that Vardo, that what we were doing was to ultimately no avail. Minnt’s part of the Hexad was already complete, the Caller’s string-pulling blossomed and gave fruit. But stopping him from further desolation of the Barovian countryside is no less a worthwhile cause. We would all be guilty of hubris, if we deigned it a matter unfit for our attentions. Who then would we be saving the Core for? We could not argue, for the same people we let die. No, our charge is, and always has been to protect those unable to protect themselves, in the finest service of Ezra’s ideals that I too service.

And those charged themselves with this duty have always done so for their own reasons, as I have my own.

We found his bolthole well enough. Hired swords and demented sycophants – it did not take much to sack Berez, and it did not take us much to undo him. And there he was, the Caller. The Grand Scheme moves in mysterious ways. And so much of this was expected. But then, as he banished Athina, and Minnt, and sought to escape.. did something happen, that I did not expect.

The Mists of Death, did /intercede/. True enough, they could have taken us directly, but that is not as powerful as bidding us to follow, of our own free will. When all is said and done, the Mists cannot rob us of that, it is our only true freedom, and strength. And a step taken into damnation is all the more potent, than to be thrust there.

And so we followed, to some place that never truly existed, within the Mists themselves. And the Caller displayed with bluff, and bravado. But I know that better. He was paniced, because, perhaps for the first time, the Mists were not his ally. Here, they conjoured us, to oppose him – that day we, not he, were the agents of the Mists. But why? To show us, or him, or both, that the Caller can bleed.

I feel the significance of much of that was lost on my allies. They continued regardless, aware of the peculiarity of the place, but not the intimate peculiarity of the situation. We are all too powerful, and accustomed to success. Ana. Ana’s foolish attempt to bind the Caller was matched by the foolishness of her certainty of success. The Mists will undo whatever she did, and he will not long be gone from us. Perhaps that is why, the thread we were there to follow in the Grand Scheme – for the Mists to taunt us with our own bickering, and hubris, to dangle damning success before their playthings. And Ana is not alone accused of that charge; Inari continues to slip further from light and reason. And I, too, perpetrated ugliness. But I am righteous in the exercising of my volition. The act is no bettered by the knowledge that in destroying Luca, to save them from Ana’s demented artifice, I too would have been cast adrift in all the Mists until they deigned fit to spit us out, or torment us eternally.

That is hubris. We are all righteous. And we are all wrong.

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #161 on: November 13, 2013, 05:44:53 PM »
Who are you, heretic? Have you come home, or come to make a new one?

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #162 on: April 26, 2014, 06:31:15 PM »
So, it is true.

I am not prone to flights of fancy - but sometimes it is inevitable, the evidence, though incomplete.. compelling. Overwhelming. Consuming and total.

The Gentleman calls. We all know why. It is possessed of a purpose frail mortal minds cannot muster - the alien and incomprehensible will of the demoniac leveraged to the accomplishment of a singular goal, without distraction, without doubt or remorse he has pursued it.. and will pursue it, and pursues it now.
It is for this reason there is no doubt in my mind what his nightly maneuvers service - it is the same story retold - a machine, a grim harvest, an immovable object and an irresistible force. And we mortals, caught betwixt the machinations of a demon and those of the Mists.

Forestalling It again will not suffice. It is incapable of dissuasion. It will not surrender to them, to the Mists. It will never stop, and will never exhaust permutations of its attempts. It is incapable of exhaustion, such is the staggering breadth and dark depth and interminable drive that it possesses.

The Hollow will not be safe until It is rendered into dust - an atomi of memory and foul vapors. We are charged with stopping the irresistible force.

Much work to be done.   

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #163 on: May 19, 2014, 02:41:22 PM »
Du Bourg is gone. Gone, but perhaps not dead. Perhaps he lives on in some fashion or another, roiling in perpetual impotence as the Mists of Death toy with their new plaything as a cat toys with a mouse. Their patience is unknowable, a thousand civilisations may be born, rise, flourish and die until they tire of torturing him - the ultimate punishment for his ultimate hubris. It is almost a shame that Du Bourg must learn in death what I have learned in life - that single ontological constant, the inflexible rule that governs our tiny world.
It is necessary for me to bury my ugly thoughts. In truth? I take some small satisfaction in that prospect. Wishful thinking, that he is not dead, but receiving that terrible education.
There is no doubt that he deserves it - a reward earned in inches and degrees by every sinful act, every gross atrocity. It is almost an irony - as he thought he stepped closer to revelation, he was only walking to damnation.

Do I think myself much better? I too know too much. Perhaps Ezra preserves me. Perhaps /they/ do not think I am of enough interest to attract their ire and attention. Perhaps they are storing it up.. awaiting their moment. The Grand Scheme is a mysterious thing.

Perhaps I too earn my fate with my darkling thoughts on Du Bourg's demise. What he did to Nara'ia was worst of all. Not that final, heinous, abominable act.. but everything that led up to it. She thought she could help him, until the last. Make him better. And what did it get her?

Du Bourg should not have been the one to do it. It should have been a friend. Nara'ia had seen too much.. swallowed too much sin. Du Bourg was cruel in his mercy. I wonder if she begged him, pleaded with him, to end her misery. Did he resist? Weep? Finally accept? Or did he lunge upon it, with all the abandon of the callous, calculating man he was? It should not have been him.

Goodnight Nara'ia, and goodnight Bernard. I fear I will be seeing you again before long, but I know not whom.

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #164 on: May 09, 2015, 12:00:17 PM »
I will trouble you no more, reader. I will subject you no more to vicarious horrors such as I have lived. Perhaps in time this will come to be called heresy, but I wish for it only to be my last confession. Which? – I shall leave to you.

It is oft said that ‘if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you’, that he who studies evil is invariably studied by evil in return. We know that these are more than simple platitudes, that they are as true as day following night, and as inevitable as the changing of the season and the turning of the tide.
I have forged a career in sin. I have crossed paths and swords with true paragons of monstrosity, with darkly-dreaming devils and the favoured dark lords of the mists. I have met men beholden to nothing but their own insatiable lust for power, knowledge, some perverted notion of truth. I have borne witness to tragedies both great and miniscule, actual and averted, if only at the highest price.

If I have learned one universal constant it is that anyone, no matter how unconquerably brilliant, unfathomably benevolent or profoundly wise, can justify anything to themselves. To those who are ‘right’ no bridge is too far or no measure too extreme in the pursuit of their goal. A zealot lurks within all of us, it is a weakness shared by all being which fear the mortal coil.
It is here the Dark Powers prey upon us. They may not have created man’s capacity for atrocity, but they know its intricacies like no other can. Their capacity for machination is infinite and terrible, a hundred orders beyond the most fiendish and devious of intelligences. They never instruct, nor force the hand of any person in their purview, they merely fashion the tools of sin that a person must choose to take up. To fall into damnation means nothing, to step into it willingly, righteously, means everything.

I fear most, of all the damned souls I have crossed, the man who thinks he can out-scheme the Schemer, for he is the most self-deluding and the least worthy of pity.

I have swallowed too much sin. I have sheltered the corrupt to spare the name of a church which is rotten to its core. The foundations of the faith are built upon sand, it is a nasty compromise of ideology and politics, a hegemony which I am guilty of perpetuating. Far worse fiends than true daemons have not only found protection but have been allowed to thrive within the fold. The truth of Ezra is buried beneath an avalanche of doctrine and interpretation. To find answers is as if navigating smog.
Ezra cannot help us. Ezra is as bound by the rules of this game as all who play it, the Dark Powers included. She was bound by them the moment she entreatied with them and entered the Mists. How many faithful have I seen wearing their sins upon their flesh, how many countless more bear dark secrets within themselves that have yet to spill out? Ezra provided them no shield, no guidance to stop them from straying, no salve to cleanse their bodies of the Dark Powers’ instruments.

I know I know too much. Of Dark Powers and their dark lords, of the great cosmic chessboard we with blind faith call the Grand Scheme. No great tapestry of wonder, of discovery, of meetings and partings, but a game played to some unknowable end for some unknowable purpose. A game, which from its initial condition of thirty-two pieces, has only a finite number of potential permutations. Those permutations may number greater than drops of water in the ocean, but as each piece is removed the possibilities become fewer and fewer, tighter and tighter towards an inevitable conclusion.

I can no longer conscionably service an institution in which I have lost faith or an ideal which I question to ever have existed at all.

Perhaps when the Time of Unparalleled Darkness is upon us and all is ruin we shall see the true nature of Ezra unfold before us. When the board is tossed high and the pieces tumble in space, before the board is set once more, will I be one of those she rescues, or will I be one damned to play again, and again, and again, until the very stuff of my soul is frayed and exhausted. 

I think I have written enough, dear reader. I thank you for being my constant companion, though all these dread nightmares I have lived. I hope you have not formed too ill of an opinion of me, but I would not blame you if you had. I am not sure now what is to become of me, but do not fear for me nor pity me, dear reader. Remember:

‘I fear most, of all the damned souls I have crossed, the man who thinks he can out-scheme the Schemer, for he is the most self-deluding and the least worthy of pity.’

For I am He.

DM Erebus

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Re: Côte Poisson - Connaissance est Puissance
« Reply #165 on: February 14, 2017, 04:49:43 PM »
Today Inquisitor Cote Poisson died in the manner he feared most; a frightened, impotent old man. He accepted his death in the manner of an old friend, and with the peace of a man who knows his salvation is already forfeit. He is remembered by no-one.

Poisson was created in 2009, when DM Heretic’s 5th Heresy plot was in full swing. Poisson was created to take part in said plot, which to this day remains not fully resolved.
I had the pleasure in being part of a number of the most ambitious plots Prisoners of the Mists has held. These include The Eye of Ezra, the Fifth Heresy and all three runs of the Gentleman Caller saga.
There are a number of players I would like to single out for special mention. Iconoclast, Sheltatha, Puckwolf, Hellspanda, MrJediJunkie, Aprogressivist, Emptyanima, Ladyena, Little Lotte, MJ Johansson, Badliere, Instinct, Space Cowboy and many others I have no-doubt forgotten.
I would also like to give special thanks to DMs Heretic, Macarbe, Dread and Tarokka.

Cote Poisson has died in the best tradition of the gothic horror genre. He was a hero – a good person who stood against evil and stood up for what he believed in without fail or compromise. But he was a deeply tragic figure – a man possessing many secrets about himself, his church, and ultimately about the very nature of Ravenloft.
He feared those secrets would consume him, as they tormented him privately day upon day. In the end he dies having never fully resolved anything. Many secrets, but no answers.